Dr. Paveloff Discusses Benefits of New Lenses

As a result of his expertise and exceptional visual outcomes involving cataract surgery, Dr. Michael Paveloff was recently asked to speak to fellow ophthalmologists about the advancements in multifocal and presbyopia correcting lenses. At symposiums held in Seattle and Spokane, Dr. Paveloff discussed the importance of patient education in selecting the proper lens to achieve the best visual outcome.
Whether choosing the ReSTOR, Crystalens, Toric or TECNIS lens, the patient consultation is instrumental in understanding the lifestyle and visual needs of each patient. Likewise, clearly defining the benefits associated with each lens and the expectations of the patient is essential in achieving optimal results. While multifocal and accommodative lenses have been FDA approved for over five years, some surgeons have been hesitant to adapt to the new technology. Procedurally, implantation of multifocal and accommodative lenses is virtually identical to standard cataract surgery with a monofocal lens. The exception is that patients can potentially be free of glasses following cataract surgery.
“Our patients are achieving incredible visual outcomes with the multifocal and accommodative lenses,” states Dr. Paveloff. “Hesitancy from surgeons and patients regarding new technology is understandable. However, this particular technology has proven to be an excellent option to standard cataract surgery with a monofocal lens.”